World Peace is achievable as people of goodwill around the globe:-Recognize each other as members of one human family -Bond with each other through their mutual passion for an activity which benefits others and also brings them joy and fulfilment in their own life -Have a desire to work together to share this passion and bring these  benefits  to the attention of the rest of the world so that the lives of others in distant places may be improved by their knowledge and understanding of it.AND achieve the objective of the global harmony of people and all other participants in what we all call our planet, or World Peace. This is the core of the Global People’s Assembly. 

The Assembly is held on the internet. People who have a passion for their chosen professions come together in forums and with the  strength of their dedication not only to their own profession but also to enjoying the communication with like-minded people who also have a global view of the world. All are anxious to address issues of the planet where, with their particular expertise, they all work together and are able to target the particular areas of concern for the planet or any part of it, healing it in a positive and productive way. 



Let us begin with the definition of Assembly. 

A group of people gathered together in one place for a common purpose.

 Let us remember the fact that people are custodians of the planet because of their intelligence, their ability to access the divine intention of the Creator of all life on this planet and elsewhere.  Recognition of this ability comes with the implied responsibility to preserve this Creation  as closely as possible to the manner in which the Creator has created it with the ongoing integrity of all of its integral components.  Understanding this responsibility implies that there be no wilful destruction of any of the integral components, but only enhancements where possible.    There is a recognition here of a God  spiritually and a Creator scientifically, coalescing in the most magnificent of all creation the universe of which the planet is the entity to which humans belong. 

 Towards the inclusion of all of the people on the planet we may use the term globe or global.

 So if we have a Global People’s  Assembly,  it has to mean the intelligence of people, the only thing that can encompass  a coming together that is NOT dependent on the spot on the planet where each individual human was BORN.

 With humans’ great dawning in the 21st century of the INTERNET, we are able to locate a place physically but only physically in space where those who desire, it, can come together in an assembly, within a website. Now we need to call on the assistance of the English Language for a better  understanding of people.  Each human being is a person and the plural of that is persons and the more inclusive term for persons is people. 

There are persons in a circumscribed community but there are people in the  whole world or on our planet.  So when we use the words global people we mean the population of the entire world. 

If we want to talk about the intelligence of a person or people and we do, we need to discuss intelligence as only one of the gifts or attributes of a human being or a person. 

 There are many others.  There is the outlay of energy of necessity as is the case with all living creatures in order to sustain the living condition of the body. This is followed by the expression of the particular gifts which are unique to each person individually. 

Then there is the gift of creativity, a gift possessed by everyone but with the highest caliber of expression of it, being the gift of       creating a work of art which holds within itself everything           that the  human intelligence  can muster in imitation of that work of art, the universe, with the planet being the one available to humans or people. 

The PURPOSE of the Global People’s Assembly is to be such an entity.
