
In the Forum of Conscience, the TRUTH claims our undivided allegiance.   In humans generically, each and every person is gifted with their own integrity and their own sovereignty that can never be taken from them. This means that the truth for each human being s the same truth for one as for all, and can never be compromised.

Civil society is an intermediary entity, standing between the private sphere and the state.  Thus, it excludes individual and family life, inward-looking group activity, for-profit making enterprise or individual business firms, and political efforts to take control of the state.  (Larry Diamond)

Civil Society is distinct from ‘society’ in general in that it involves citizens acting collectively in a public sphere to express their interests, passions, and ideas, exchange information, achieve mutual goals, make demands on the state, and hold state officials accountable.  (L.D.)

The Global People’s Assembly is people to people only.

People are custodians of the planet because of their intelligence, their ability to scientifically access the divine intention of the Creator of all life on this planet and elsewhere.

 Recognition of this ability comes with the implied responsibility to preserve this Creation as closely as possible to the manner in which the Creator has created it with the ongoing integrity of all of its integral components.

The Global People’s Assembly’s very existence depends upon language so the Laws of the Language are the same spiritual laws of the universe that must be expressed scientifically.  Every word has to be a word that can mean the same thing for every user of it.  The language of the GPA has to be rational and not only rational but duplicative in its essence to each word with one meaning.  Emotional words or utterances such as the enemy cannot be used because there are too many meanings that can be attributed to them.  Ultimately it means that this language is a true expression of democracy because everyone using it is expressing the view of a single human being with single integrity and a single expression.  All of these expressions can come together in this Assembly. They can be understood by every other person and all together they can bring their weight of humanity into harmony with the Life Force of the Universe that will assure humanity’s survival as well as the survival of the planet.

By imaging the Universe as a Work of Art, defined by humans as something that takes the beholder out of himself (herself).  , human beings are better able to understand natural laws and realize that human beings have interfered with the Life Force of the Universe through some of their activities and have altered the configuration for Planet Earth so that its human inhabitants, as well as so many other living things, are in grave danger of survival.

Article by Unity and Diversity World Council