The highest attribute of humanity is its intelligence and the highest demonstration is language.

The Global People’s Assembly’s very existence depends upon language whereas the Creator of the Universe had so many wondrous components such as earth, sea, sky, other planets, etc.




What are the Laws of the Universe, the method by which the universe is created?  Using our highest intelligence we can imagine them.  Then having imagined them we must translate that faculty into language and for the moment, the English Language, with such a precision that it cannot be corrupted.

What then are the Laws of Language?  They are the same spiritual laws of the universe that must be expressed scientifically and scientifically means that every word has to be a word that can mean the same thing for every user of it.

These words cannot have different meanings for different people.  These words have to be expressed in Civil Discourse which means that emotive utterances or emotional outbursts such as the use of the word enemy which has numerous meanings, cannot be used in the Global People’s Assembly because in emotional utterances,  there are too many meanings that can be attributed to them.

So the language of the Global People’s Assembly has to be rational and not only rational but duplicative in its essence to each word with one meaning.

In this way, the use of this language by anyone around the globe can be understood in its full and complete meaning by everyone who uses the website of the Global People’s Assembly.

What does this mean ultimately?  It means that this language is a true expression of democracy because everyone using it is expressing the view of a single human being with a single integrity and a single expression.

All of these expressions in their full intention of purpose  focused on a single topic or matter of extreme importance for the person and persons expressing it can come together in this Assembly.  They can be understood by every other person and all together they can bring their weight of humanity into harmony with the Life Force of the Universe that will assure humanity’s survival as well as the survival of the planet.

Article by Unity and Diversity World Council